April 13, 2011

UPDATE: I just added a new gadget on the left side to show upcoming events. If you would like to add an event or even help with the blog/eet-club just send me an email. (suueetlabassistant at gmail dot com)

Also, if anyone would like to participate in the Colorado robotics challenge for next year they are tentatively aiming for April 12th. Get started now, those who participated a few weeks ago needed a lot more time to do "in-sand" testing. This is a great way to incorporate all the things you learn in the classroom and work with others as a team. I strongly recommended getting some other majors involved(CAD,CSIS, Physics etc). For more information check out these links or talk to Dave Ward, James Gale, Jake Porter or Trenten Dopp.

Robotics challenge links:

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